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Emerald Temple

Also known as the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, Wat Phra Kaew is located within the grounds of the Grand Palace. The temple has been home to Thailand’s most important statue, the Emerald Buddha, since the 1700s. In addition to the hall housing the Emerald Buddha, Wat Phra Kaew also has a number of additional buildings, all decorated in a similar style to what the old Ayutthaya temples used to look like. Marble, mosaics, and colorful orange tiles cover the walls, pillars, and altars that make up the temples here.

Wat Saket

Located at the top of an 80-meter-tall hill in the heart of Bangkok, Wat Saket can only be reached after climbing 300 gold and red steps. From below, the most visible part of the temple is the massive golden chedi (a Buddhist stupa), which contains a relic of the Buddha.

Wat Arun

The best time to photograph Wat Arun (also known as Wat Arun Ratchawararam) is at dawn, when the sun coming out bounces off the walls of the temple, creating a pearly reflection off the richly decorated structures. A close second is from the Chao Phraya River at any time of the day, when passing by on a small local ferry – you can also catch a boat from Wat Pho Temple and get off at Wat Arun right across the river for stunning views of both temples.